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ReadMoreText for Jetpack Compose (Material)

Maven Central

A library that show 'Read more' and 'Read less' text in Jetpack Compose Text.

Collapsed Expanded


ReadMoreText is based on material theme like androidx.compose.material.Text.

fun ReadMoreTextSample() {
    val (expanded, onExpandedChange) = rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(false) }
        text = "...",
        expanded = expanded,
        onExpandedChange = onExpandedChange,
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),

        readMoreText = "Read more",
        readMoreColor = Color.Black,
        readMoreFontSize = 15.sp,
        readMoreFontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
        readMoreFontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
        readMoreFontFamily = FontFamily.Default,
        readMoreTextDecoration = TextDecoration.None,
        readMoreMaxLines = 2,
        readMoreOverflow = ReadMoreTextOverflow.Ellipsis,
        readMoreStyle = SpanStyle(
            // ...

        /* read less */
        readLessText = "Read less",
        readLessColor = Color.Black,
        readLessFontSize = 15.sp,
        readLessFontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
        readLessFontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
        readLessFontFamily = FontFamily.Default,
        readLessTextDecoration = TextDecoration.None,
        readLessStyle = SpanStyle(
            // ...

        /* It expands and collapses by default. */
        toggleArea = ToggleArea.All,
        // If you want to allow clicks only on 'more' and 'less' text, use this.
        toggleArea = ToggleArea.More,
readLessFontSize readLessFontStyle readLessFontWeight readLessFontFamily readLessTextDecoration readLessStyle toggleArea


Maven Central

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation "<version>"