WebtoonMe: A Data-Centric Approach for Full-Body Portrait Stylization

Jihye Back*
Seungkwon Kim*
Namhyuk Ahn    (* denotes equal contribution)
[Demo - Coming Soon]


Full-body portrait stylization, which aims to translate portrait photography into a cartoon style, has drawn attention recently. However, most methods have focused only on converting face regions, restraining the feasibility of use in real-world applications. A recently proposed two-stage method expands the rendering area to full bodies, but the outputs are less plausible and fail to achieve quality robustness of non-face regions. Furthermore, they cannot reflect diverse skin tones. In this study, we propose a data-centric so- lution to build a production-level full-body portrait stylization system. Based on the two-stage scheme, we construct a novel and advanced dataset prepa- ration paradigm that can effectively resolve the aforementioned problems. Experiments reveal that with our pipeline, high-quality portrait stylization can be achieved without additional losses or architectural changes.



An overview of the data preparation stream.


Ablation Study.


Jihye Back, Seungkwon Kim, Namhyuk Ahn.
WebtoonMe: A Data-Centric Approach for Full-Body Portrait Stylization
In SIGGRAPH Asia 2022, Technical Communications. [Paper]


If you find this useful for your research, please use the following.
  title={WebtoonMe: A Data-Centric Approach for Full-Body Portrait Stylization},
  author={Back, Jihye and Kim, Seungkwon and Ahn, Namhyuk},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.10335},